DINOSAUR PLANET EXHIBITION Year 1 and 2 bought their topic, ‘Dinosaur Planet’ to a close by setting up their own museum, just like their visit to ...
Viking and Archaeology Trip
A report about our trip to Dig and the Jorvik Viking Centre by Izzy and Erin On Monday the 18th of December Ouse Class went on a really fun school [...
Anglo Saxon Learning
Report about Murton Park by Isaac and Seth On Wednesday the 6th December we had a special visitor to our class. He spent the full day with us a...
Dodgeball Event
Dodgeball Tournament On the 29th of November we went to Malton Sports Centre and competed in the Dodgeball Tournament with 6 other schools, St Marys, ...
Girls Football Tournament
Girls football tournament! On the 29th of November 2023 Rye class went to a tournament football/dodgeball at Malton Sports Centre. There were 3 teams,...
The Wriggly Nativity
What a fantastic nativity show Derwent and Foss class shared with us all this week. From singing donkeys, dancing chicks, Mary, Joseph, stars, angels,...
Celebration Assembly December 8th
Here are the superstars from key stage 2 that we celebrated today accompanied by some of the work that they completed and created....
December 1st Celebration Assembly EYFS & KS1
Here is a selection of the work that was shared and celebrated from Foss and Derwent class this week. Here are some of the wonderful pupils chosen ...
Celebration Assembly November 24th
Celebrating excellence, enjoyment, resilience, sporting achievements and positivity through maths, art, English, handwriting and a lovely attitude for...
Celebration Assembly November KS1 & EYFS
Today we were celebrating another group of children to celebrate this week from Foss class and Derwent class. Well done to our superstars....