This report shares how some of the year six pupils explained their 2 day cycling experience. Year 6 Bikeability...
Rye Class Long Term Planning 2023-2024
Autumn Term AUTUMN 1 – A Child’s War A siren sounds and a Spitfire zooms overhead! It’s 1939 and Britain is at war. This half term, we’l...
Foss Class Long Term Plan 2023-2024
Autumn Term AUTUMN – Dinosaur Planet (History) Watch out everyone – the dinosaurs are on the prowl. They’re rampaging across the dusty earth, ...
Derwent Class Long Term Planning 2023-2024
Autumn Term AUTUMN 1 – Exploring Autumn (Understanding the World) In the Exploring Autumn project, your child will go on a woodland walk to learn ...
Victorian Life at York Castle Museum
Here are some pictures of our day out and a report of the trip. York Castle Museum...
Digging In Scarborough – not quite buckets and spades
Years three and four were looking at aspects of local history with a visit to an archaeological dig in Scarborough. They also visited the castle and r...
Summer Term Curriculum Letter – Foss
Curriculum Letter Summer Term 2023 Foss Class Dear Parents, We hope you have all had a fantastic Easter break and are ready for your child’s las...
EYFS at Malton for football
Did Derwent class (EYFS) enjoy their first trip to Malton sports centre for an afternoon of football? You bet they did. Well done everyone. Thank you ...
The Fairy Sanctuary – a science and topic visit
A little view of our magical day at Northwood Trail Fairy Trail and sanctuary a great way to enhance and further our learning. A Recount Of The Key St...
The Fairy Sanctuary
A little view of our magical day at Northwood Trail Fairy Trail and sanctuary a great way to embark on the topic of ‘The Enchanted Woodland̵...