Category Archives: Derwent

Home Class News Archive by category "Derwent"

The Wriggly Nativity

What a fantastic nativity show Derwent and Foss class shared with us all this week. From singing donkeys, dancing chicks, Mary, Joseph, stars, angels,...

Derwent Class – Exploring Autumn

Derwent class are well into their topic of Exploring Autumn. Here are some pictures that show how language and literacy work, mark making, fine motor ...

Derwent Class Are Superheroes

Derwent Class Are Superheroes! In case you weren’t aware we have some flashy, super and wonderful little people in EYFS and Key Stage one. Given the...

EYFS at Malton for football

Did Derwent class (EYFS) enjoy their first trip to Malton sports centre for an afternoon of football? You bet they did. Well done everyone. Thank you ...

The Fairy Sanctuary

A little view of our magical day at Northwood Trail Fairy Trail and sanctuary a great way to embark on the topic of ‘The Enchanted Woodland&#821...

Fruit Skewers and Kebabs

A Derwent delight to celebrate the end of their Enchanted Woodland topic – ‘We voted on the book to take, made fruit kebabs and woodland a...