Category Archives: Class News

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Summer Term Curriculum Letter – Foss

Curriculum Letter Summer Term 2023 Foss Class  Dear Parents,  We hope you have all had a fantastic Easter break and are ready for your child’s las...

EYFS at Malton for football

Did Derwent class (EYFS) enjoy their first trip to Malton sports centre for an afternoon of football? You bet they did. Well done everyone. Thank you ...

The Fairy Sanctuary

A little view of our magical day at Northwood Trail Fairy Trail and sanctuary a great way to embark on the topic of ‘The Enchanted Woodland&#821...

Fruit Skewers and Kebabs

A Derwent delight to celebrate the end of their Enchanted Woodland topic – ‘We voted on the book to take, made fruit kebabs and woodland a...

Week One – Autumn Term

As well as getting to know one another, learning school routines and systems, making friends, developing relationships, having fun and learning so muc...