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Derwent Class News

The Wriggly Nativity

What a fantastic nativity show Derwent and Foss class shared with us all this week. From singing donkeys, dancing chicks, Mary, Joseph, stars, angels, sheep, shepherds and everyone else you would expect to find around the manger. As well as ...

Celebration Assembly Derwent Class- October

This week Miss Oscroft and Mrs. Cuthbertson are celebrating these guys for their great learning and positivity. What a way to go adapting and working to a new class and school ...

Derwent Class – Exploring Autumn

Derwent class are well into their topic of Exploring Autumn. Here are some pictures that show how language and literacy work, mark making, fine motor control, exploring the natural world and creating and designing using their senses and different materials ...

Derwent Class September Celebration Assembly

These children were celebrated by Miss Oscroft and Mrs. Cuthbertson for their super work since returning to school. Here is some of the work they were being celebrated for ...

Derwent Class Are Superheroes

Derwent Class Are Superheroes! In case you weren’t aware we have some flashy, super and wonderful little people in EYFS and Key Stage one. Given the design brief to create a superhero badge or logo for a cape they all ...

Derwent Class Long Term Planning 2023-2024

Autumn Term AUTUMN 1 – Exploring Autumn  (Understanding the World) In the Exploring Autumn project, your child will go on a woodland walk to learn about the seasonal changes that happen in autumn. They will learn about birds and animals ...

EYFS at Malton for football

Did Derwent class (EYFS) enjoy their first trip to Malton sports centre for an afternoon of football? You bet they did. Well done everyone. Thank you to the sports leaders at Malton, parents who helped with transport and Mr.Cairns and ...

The Fairy Sanctuary

A little view of our magical day at Northwood Trail Fairy Trail and sanctuary a great way to embark on the topic of 'The Enchanted Woodland' ...

Fruit Skewers and Kebabs

A Derwent delight to celebrate the end of their Enchanted Woodland topic - 'We voted on the book to take, made fruit kebabs and woodland animal masks, we played pass the parcel and made decorations from natural materials to hang ...

We’ve Been On A Bear Hunt – Derwent Class

To launch the new topic, The Enchanted Woodland, the classic Michael Rosen text We're Going On A Bear Hunt had Derwent class heading out on an adventure to find a bear. The excitement, experience, enthusiasm and writing that came from ...

Autumn Term – Week One

As well as getting to know one another, learning school routines and systems, making friends, developing relationships, having fun and learning so much. We have also been doing lots of work on our key British Values.

Here are a few snaps of a little of what we have been up to.