Langton Primary

Home Design and Technology

Design and Technology


  • Children to use creativity to design and make products within a variety of contexts and act as responsible designers
  • We aim to create strong cross-curricular links with other subjects, such as, maths, science, computing and art
  • We want Design and Technology to prepare our children, give them equal opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences to build upon in later life
  • Children to critically evaluate their own products and suggest improvements for future, considering their own and others’ responses


  • Each project from Year One to Year Six addresses the principles of designing, making and evaluating, including technical knowledge and understanding in relevant contexts
  • Well planned and resourced projects providing children with hands-on and enriching experiences
  • A range of skills are taught, with focus on developing the children’s awareness of health and safety issues related to the tasks undertaken
  • Careful planning subject specific vocabulary is taught to the children, providing them with a rich and extensive vocabulary by the end of KS2

Knowledge and Understanding:

The children’s understanding and knowledge of Design and Technology will be broadened through the teaching of the following key concepts.

  • Mechanisms
  • Construction
  • Textiles
  • Food
  • Computing
  • Electronics


  • Children will acquire a rich and extensive vocabulary through well planned and sequenced teaching
  • Children know more, and remember more, by building upon their knowledge of key concepts over time, helping them to make good or better progress
  • Children will obtain a strong foundation of knowledge and skills to see them equipped to build upon in Secondary Education
  • Children will gain creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently

Knowledge progression

DT Golden Thread & Key Concept

DT Intent, Implementation and Impact

DT Long Term Plan

DT Progression Map