- An excellent knowledge and understanding of how historical periods and concepts are built upon over time.
- To develop a sense of identity through learning about the past and how history has shaped their own lives.
- Children to make comparisons between historical periods previously taught, developing their chronological knowledge and understanding from the Stone Age to the present day.
- Promote an enthusiastic engagement in history, developing curiosity, the ability to think critically and communicate ideas confidently through reflection, debate, and evaluation of the past.
- Planning is differentiated in every class by year group and children are given the opportunity to transfer their maths and English skills through cross-curricular links.
- Children are provided with chances to access historical artefacts and visit places of historical interest and take part it workshops to enhance their learning about the past.
- Children learn to independently, and safely, use resources from the internet and videos, and can use non-fiction books for research.
- Children have regular speech and language opportunities, supported through frequent drama sessions, to develop their confidence to express their understanding surrounding topics covered.
- Specific vocabulary is set out and planned for the children, to develop a varied and extensive vocabulary by the end of KS2.
Knowledge and Understanding:
The children’s understanding and knowledge of historical facts will be broadened through the teaching of the following key concepts.
- Social
- History and Me
- Artefacts and Technology
- Monarchy
- Religion
- Political/ Law
- Conflict and Invasion
- Empire
- Migration
- Significant Individuals
- People, Culture and Beliefs
- Foundations and the Modern World
- Trade
- A rich and extensive vocabulary, built upon over time.
- Children know more, and remember more, by building upon their knowledge of key historical concepts over time helping them to make good or better progress
- An understanding and tolerance of diversity in our community and the world
- Confident and resilient learners
Knowledge progression
History Golden Thread & Key Concepts
History Intent, Implementation and Impact