Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
Subject Intent:
We aim to develop resilient, independent, loving and caring individuals who have a sound awareness of the key principles of relationships, respect, careers, health and safety to prepare them for future life.
We wish to:
- develop pupils’ cultural capital by giving pupils the information they require to gain a knowledge of the wider world through awe and wonder experiences.
- create an understanding of a multicultural and diverse world in which we live.
- promote acceptance, respect and celebrate our differences.
- inspire awareness of local and wider communities to make positive changes to the world.
- embed how to keep safe
- foster British values and what it means to be British.
- Expand understandings of careers to prepare and inspire pupils.
- nurture positive relationships (including RSE).
- cultivate positive, healthy strategies for physical and mental wellbeing.
- As a school, we have a strong mixed age long-term plan that caters for the needs of all pupils within our school delivering a broad and balanced curriculum
- Explicit weekly PSHE/PSED sessions across the school with daily reflection opportunities
- We provide enhancements within our school through visits and visitors within our school
- We provide all pupils with opportunities to take a step back and appreciate life (awe) and ask questions that we can discuss as a school (wonder).
- Pupils have the opportunities to reflect on, express their views and opinions
- Opportunities to develop children’s social, emotional and mental health through trained staff and individualised interventions.
- Pupils have opportunities to explore British Values – for example involvement in interviews, school improvement groups, questionnaires, voting and general elections.
- Staff members are trained in mental health first aid for children and adults
- Pupils are given the knowledge and vocabulary to articulate their learning, concerns and strategies for seeking support
- We have strong safeguarding strategies which are regularly shared with pupils for clear understanding and articulation
- Pupils will be confident and resilient learners.
- Pupils will be able to articulate about staying healthy both physically and mentally.
- Pupils will have a rich vocabulary and vast subject knowledge.
- Pupils will be prepared for the next step in their lives and have a knowledge of opportunities after school life.
- Pupils to be able to articulate their feelings and understand feelings of others.
- Pupils will make strong relationships and understand what a ‘positive’ relationship is.
- Pupils will have good communication and listening skills to maintain positive relationships.
- Pupils are able to articulate concerns and access help when required.
- Pupils have a clear articulation of the protected characteristics
- Pupils know how to keep themselves safe
- Pupils know the age appropriate knowledge of puberty and Sex Education