Langton Primary

Home Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

What Pupil Premium is for?

Pupil Premium funding is extra money given to schools from the Department for Education. This money is to assist pupils who are considered at risk of underachievement to make greater social and academic progress.

How much Pupil Premium Funding will Langton get this year?

School is receiving pupil premium funding to the value of £4910 this year.

How Langton Primary will spend this year’s Pupil Premium Funding?

Pupil Premium is used flexibly to best meet the needs of individual learners. Barriers facing these pupils often lay around social, emotional needs and learning behaviours. At Langton, Pupil Premium money is used to support teaching and learning in the classroom enabling the school to maintain its current level of TA support.

How will we measure the impact this spending has had?

  • Through observation of these pupils in lessons.
  • Through feedback from these pupils.
  • Through feedback and discussion from teachers and staff about pupils’ progress and engagement in their learning.

When we will review this?

Governors and the head teacher will review the spending in March 2019, at the end of the financial year and will plan the expenditure of the next allowance, so that it is bespoke, purposeful and meets the needs of our learners

Who can get Pupil Premium Funding?

Money is awarded to pupils who:
– are in care or have been at any time in the last 6 years,
– qualify for Free School Meals or have done at any time in the last 6 years,
– are pupils of service personnel.

How to get Pupil Premium Funding

If you think your child may qualify for this funding, please let us know.

For further information on how Pupil Premium is being spent during this academic year, please visit Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25