Langton Primary

Home Religious Education

Religious Education


  • To enable all pupils to hold balanced and informed conversations about religion and belief.
  • To develop all pupils knowledge of diversity and world faiths, and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, societies, communities and cultures.
  • Inspiring all pupils’ creativity through awe and wonder experiences.
  • To ensure all pupils have the skills and understanding to work as part of a team.
  • To encourage all pupils to ask questions about the world.
  • To give our children time to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences.
  • Our children will learn about the multicultural world in which we live.
  • We will learn to accept, respect and celebrate our differences.
  • Pupils will embrace their local and wider community in order to help make a change to the world in preparation for later life.
  • All pupils will be taught and progressed
  • Aspirations of future careers.
  • Children will have an understanding of different families.


  • As a school, we have a strong long term plan that caters for the needs of all pupils within our school, with a balance between theological and philosophical disciplines.
  • Weekly Religious Education sessions
  • Visits and visitors to school
  • We provide all pupils with opportunities to take a step back and appreciate life (awe) and ask questions that we can discuss as a school (wonder).
  • Subject specific vocabulary.
  • Archbishop of York, Young leaders’ award
  • Opportunities for children to reflect on and express their views and opinions


  • York Diocese
  • North Yorkshire County Council
  • Understanding Christianity
  • Archbishop of York Young Leaders


  • Pupils will be confident and resilient learners.
  • Pupils will be able to articulate about different religions and hold balanced conversations.
  • Pupils will have a rich vocabulary and vast subject knowledge.
  • Pupils will be prepared for the next step in their lives and have a knowledge of opportunities after school life.
  • Pupils to be able to articulate their feelings and understand feelings of others.
  • Pupils will have an understanding and tolerance of diversity in our community and the world.

Knowledge Progression

RE Curriculum Progression Maps

RE Golden Thread & Key Concepts

RE Intent, Implementation and Impact

RE Curriculum Long Term Plan